タクマ ヒロノリ   Hironori Takuma
  田隈 広紀
   所属   千葉工業大学  未来変革科学部 デジタル変革科学科
   千葉工業大学  社会システム科学研究科 マネジメント工学専攻
   職種   教授
言語種別 英語
発行・発表の年月 2023/08/30
形態種別 国際会議プロシーディングス
査読 査読あり
標題 Clarification of Acceptable Boundaries for Radical Expressions in Reality Show Based on Questionnaires
執筆形態 共著
掲載誌名 Proceedings of IIAI-AAI 2023
出版社・発行元 IIAI Letters on Business and Decision Science
巻・号・頁 3
担当区分 最終著者
著者・共著者 Yohei Mori, Hironori Takuma
原著者 Yohei Mori
概要 In recent years, it has become challenging to broadcast extreme content with violent and grotesque expressions in Japan owing to the changing values of younger viewers and stricter regulations imposed by organizations, such as the Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization. This cleaning up of variety programs has led to a decline in their attractiveness, resulting in viewers avoiding television and choosing other sources of entertainment. Additionally, many viewers wish to watch radical content, as they did a decade ago. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze viewers' boundaries of acceptable extremism using a questionnaire survey. A representative survey of 103 people aged 18–24 years, who are considered to be the most tolerant of extreme content, was conducted.
DOI https://doi.org/10.52731/lir.v003.108
researchmap用URL https://iaiai.org/letters/index.php/lir/article/view/108